Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wig room scene in-betweened, without faces added

Perspective walk with in-betweens, and posed out on the camera cut

Perspective walk with in-betweens and body shapes added

The dreaded perspective walk pose test

LOL So in my story boards, the girl reaches out of screen left to get the needle and thread...but it didn't work so well when I was posing it out. It just looked like she was elasti-girl

Here's the real in-betweened/posed out version

Hand swirl scene in-betweened, still need to add features to the dead guy though

Finished candy scene

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pose test of the girl playing with a corpse's skin and getting excited

Pose test of the guy with candy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finished blood/soda scene

Wig scene in-betweened, and basically finished

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New blood/soda scene; the guy is in-betweened, but I haven't added details yet.

Blocked out candy scene

Finished walk